Control System Studio PANDA



Version 3.2.4 will be released on March 28, 2013
The new version will have no e-Logbook interface

Additional Information

  • CSS-PANDA uses currently a dummy authorisation and authentication method.
    This means all usernames and passwords will be accepted.
  • The logbook-API uses currently the Midas e-logbook from PSI.
    Your PATH-environment variable must point to the commandline tool from this e-logbook to use it.
    The names of the logbooks, the host and port have to be set up in the preferences.
  • By default all servers (database server, JMS) are configured to be localhost.
    These settings can be changed in the preferences.

Database definition

The files below can be used to create the needed databases for the ArchiveEngine and AlarmServer tools from CSS for your preferred database engine.
You should change the passwords in the corresponding "Create Users" file

PostgreSQL (recommended)

To create the databases run as root
# su postgres -c "psql -q -f $filename"


To create the databases use cmd
# mysql -u $user -p $passwd < $filename


Useful links