Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 110

As a part of our research concerning Partial Wave Analyses, we are participating in a chinese-german Collaborative Research Center (CRC) co-funded by german as well as chinese institutions.

This Sino-German CRC 110 deals with one of the most challenging problems in contemporary theoretical physics, namely the theory of strong interactions, called QCD. The CRC focusses on the emergence of structures like hadrons and nuclei and the role of symmetries in QCD. This is the first time that such a unified approach of hadronic and nuclear physics is attempted.

Our participation in this project includes multi-channel partial wave analyses of experimental data, which benefit from incorporating additional data from various experiments in order to extract key properties of meson and baryon resonances. In particular a powerful and user-friendly software package based on already existing tools (PAWIAN) is being developed, that can be used in a very versatile way to perform time-consuming fits and the necessary systematic studies.

Detailed information about CRC110 can be found here:↗️